Меню KDT


КГУ «Донецкая средняя школа» КГУ «Отдел образования Тайыншинского района» КГУ «Управление образования акимата Северо-Казахстанской области»
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  • A school budget is a financial plan that outlines the income and expenses of an educational institution over a specific period, typically an academic year. It details the sources of funding and the expenditure items necessary for the school’s proper functioning.

    Key Elements of a School Budget:

    1. Sources of Income:

      • Government funding (local, regional, or national budgets).
      • Non-budgetary funds (donations, sponsorships, paid services).
      • Targeted grants and subsidies.
    2. Expenditure Categories:

      • Staff salaries: Teachers, administrative, and technical staff.
      • Educational needs: Purchase of textbooks, consumable materials, and equipment.
      • Building maintenance: Payment for utilities and repair work.
      • Events and activities: Organization of school celebrations, competitions, and excursions.
      • Safety measures: Surveillance systems and security services.
      • Other expenses: Medical services, transportation costs.

    The budget plays a crucial role in effectively organizing the educational process, allocating resources, and maintaining a high standard of educational services.
