Меню KDT


КГУ «Донецкая средняя школа» КГУ «Отдел образования Тайыншинского района» КГУ «Управление образования акимата Северо-Казахстанской области»
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  •  Career Guidance in Schools is a system of activities aimed at helping students choose their future profession and educational path. The goal is to identify students' interests, abilities, and inclinations while considering labor market demands and personal preferences to guide them toward an informed career choice.

    Goals of Career Guidance in Schools:

    1. Help students make informed decisions about their career path.
    2. Identify each student’s individual abilities and interests.
    3. Develop a responsible attitude toward career planning and awareness of labor market opportunities.
    4. Foster skills for career planning and adaptability to changes in the professional environment.
    5. Provide information about professions and their relevance in the job market.

    Key Tasks of Career Guidance:

    1. Identifying Career Interests:

      • Use psychological tests to assess students’ interests and abilities.
      • Evaluate personal traits that influence career choices.
    2. Consultation Services:

      • Organize individual meetings with psychologists and teachers to discuss career options.
      • Help students choose relevant subjects for upper grades based on their career goals.
    3. Information and Awareness Activities:

      • Conduct career orientation lessons and class hours to introduce professions.
      • Arrange meetings with professionals from various fields.
      • Host open days at universities and vocational colleges.
    4. Practical Activities and Field Trips:

      • Visit businesses and organizations to observe real working conditions.
      • Participate in workshops and training sessions related to specific professions.
      • Organize internships or work placements for high school students.
    5. Collaboration with Parents and External Organizations:

      • Inform parents about career opportunities for their children.
      • Partner with universities, colleges, and businesses to organize events.
      • Invite experts to conduct training sessions and give lectures on career planning.

    Stages of Career Guidance:

    1. Primary School:

      • Introduce professions in a playful and engaging manner.
      • Develop students' curiosity and motivation for learning.
    2. Middle School (Grades 5-9):

      • Use tests to identify students’ career interests and abilities.
      • Organize field trips to companies and organizations.
      • Prepare students for subject selection in upper grades.
    3. High School (Grades 10-11):

      • Provide counseling on choosing higher education institutions and majors.
      • Offer internships and job shadowing opportunities.
      • Prepare students for university entrance exams and applications.

    Examples of Career Guidance Activities:

    • Career aptitude tests (e.g., Holland's career interest test).
    • Field trips to companies (factories, banks, IT firms).
    • Meetings with alumni and professionals from various fields.
    • Job fairs and career guidance forums.
    • Competitions and projects related to different professions.

    The Importance of Career Guidance:

    Career guidance helps students understand themselves better, discover their strengths and interests, and make career choices that align with their abilities. It prepares them to adapt to labor market changes and fosters personal responsibility and planning skills for their future professional journey.
